Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, have gained significant popularity in recent years due to their versatility and ability to capture high-resolution data. In the field of hydrology and water management, UAVs are being increasingly used for various …
Geomount Inc. presented at the BC Water & Waste Association Conference and Exhibition in Victoria, British Columbia. This is a major water event in BC, with superb speakers and cutting-edge technology, presented once a year by the #BCWWA. Hasti Shwan, one of our directors, …
Bathymetric surveys are used to measure the depths of the lake and can be used for a variety of purposes, from mapping the river and lake floors to finding shipwrecks. In the past, bathymetric surveys have been conducted by manual …
Bathymetric surveys enable us to measure water body depths and also to map the submerged features of the body. Portable sonar, such as that used by Geomount, rapidly measures and records depths to high precision, providing seamless transitions between surface …